Christian Living, Inspiration, Life's Roadblocks

Life’s Roadblocks Part 3: Denial

This is a 4-part series about life’s roadblocks. This post will focus on Denial.

3. Denial

Have you ever been afraid to ask questions, because you were afraid of the answer? Do you believe it’s easier sometimes to not know the truth?

If you answer yes to these questions then you may be living in denial.Denial is dangerous. I know that is a

strong statement, but I believe it’s true. Denial is pretending something doesn’t exist, or not seeking out the questions in fear of the answers.


[denial] (Photo credit: Shovelling Son)

The Real Problem

Every time I go to a doctor’s office for a checkup, there is always a pamphlet that says, “Ask the Right Questions.” The pamphlet usually tells the patient that the doctor is not a mind reader and can’t properly diagnose you unless you ask questions and tell him your symptoms (in so many words).

It’s about making an intelligent and informed decision. However, many of us live in a state of denial. If I don’t ask the tough questions about life, family, religion, health, etc… then I don’t have to worry about getting an answer that I don’t want.

The Point

The fact is this, whether you ask the question or not, the answer is still there (Click to tweet). Take the discovery of gravity as an example. Isaac Newton didn’t discover gravity, he only found that gravity was the answer to his question.

The Solution

I believe there are 3 ways to overcome denial:

1. Ask the tough questions. This is probably the hardest thing to do. But you need to ask the tough questions. If you don’t ask the questions, then you will not be able to find the answers. More importantly if you don’t know if there is a problem now, by the time you do find out, it might be too late to deal with it.

2. Don’t be naive. There’s an old saying that says, “Ignorance is bliss.” Sure, if you don’t know that you have cancer, or if you never find out your spouse is cheating on you, then your life will be fine. But all denial will do is buy you time. You will eventually have to deal with the problem. Just because you choose not to accept the problem, does not mean it’s not there. Don’t fall for the “Ignorance is bliss” fallacy. The problem will only get worse and harder to deal with the more you deny it and your bliss will be very short-lived.

3. Have a support team. We do not need to go through life alone. First, we have God to carry us through. Next, we have family, and Lastly we have friends. Confide in your family and friends, get a support group together who can help you through the tough times. And if you aren’t able to physically ask the questions, then maybe they can ask them for you. Also, pray and spend time with God. Ask God to give you the courage and boldness to ask the tough questions. No matter what, you don’t have to struggle alone, form a support team to help you ask those tough questions.

If you don’t ask the questions, then you will be in the dark, and contrary to popular belief, Ignorance is not bliss.

(Click to Tweet this)

Question: Do you struggle with or have struggled with denial? If so, please leave a comment on how you overcame denial or if you need a support group, then don’t hesitate to ask. We are all on this journey together!

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About Aaron Coon

Christian, Writer, Speaker, Curious Observer. Married to my beautiful Stephanie & we attend @LifewayAZ. We love the Lord and want to serve Him and His people!


4 thoughts on “Life’s Roadblocks Part 3: Denial

  1. Denial is hard to face but it’s so much easier when you do, because the healing process begins, the changing process begins. We can’t become better or Godly people if we think we are okay and that nothing is wrong with us, because then we are perfect which I believe only person on this earth is and was Jesus Christ. We all have something to change about ourselves it’s an everyday process, let others see you are different..

    Posted by Clarra | August 7, 2012, 9:36 am


  1. Pingback: Life’s Roadblocks Part 4: Conformity « light and salvation - August 9, 2012

  2. Pingback: Life’s Roadblocks Part 4: Conformity | Generous Curiosity - August 17, 2012


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